17 November 2022
The urgency to address water-related climate risks is intensifying. Climate change directly affects the quality and quantity of water supplies and impacts the sustainability of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) behaviors, especially for the most vulnerable.
On the occasion of the COP27, The United Nations Climate Change Conference, global businesses and WASH expert organizations have come together via the WASH4Work initiative to launch this joint statement of aligned commitments to taking action towards the advancement of SDG6 & SDG13 by 2030, with the goal of enabling millions of people to become more water secure and climate-resilient.
The declaration outlines the case for business action; considerations for further developing and applying a climate resilience framework to water, sanitation and hygiene programs and investments; and invites more businesses to join us in this COP27 declaration, to mobilize the leadership and partnership needed to shape a more climate resilient water, sanitation, and hygiene secure world.
Having access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) helps to build people’s resilience to climate change.
Click here to read the full Declaration and list of supporters