WASH4Work is a multi-stakeholder initiative launched in 2016 to drive business action on water access, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) across workplace operations, local communities, and global supply chains. Initially established by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), WASH4Work has since evolved and is now part of the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate. The Mandate is a commitment platform for businesses to advance water stewardship and is exclusive to companies.
Organizations can engage with WASH4Work in two ways: by joining the initiative directly or by endorsing the CEO Water Mandate. Through Mandate membership, endorsers gain access to additional meetings, working groups, collective actions, resources, and other membership opportunities.
WASH4Work membership is comprised of public and private stakeholders.
- Non-business organizations play a vital role in advancing the WASH4Work agenda by implementing on-the-ground WASH solutions, developing standards and guidance, driving advocacy, gathering evidence, building solutions, and providing platforms for commitments or action. These organizations collaborate to support the initiative’s vision and mission.
- Business organizations contribute by implementing strong water stewardship practices that lead to measurable improvements in WASH outcomes. They actively engage in WASH4Work’s key workstreams, share best practices, and drive progress across the initiative’s three focus areas.