We all have a role to play in making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere by 2030. Businesses can and must be part of the solution. Join WASH4Work by committing to action to expand access to WASH in the workplace, in communities and across supply chains.

WASH in the Workplace

Improving access to WASH is a key component to building a more sustainable future, one where people, planet and the economy thrive.  The private sector creates 9 out of 10 jobs in developing countries, so businesses are in a unique position to impact billions of people every day, including those who work in their factories, farms, stores and offices.

WASH in Communities

Businesses are integral parts of their communities. Their activities impact local water resources and water and sanitation systems. By improving water efficiency, managing pollutants, and treating wastewater as part of part of a broader water stewardship framework, businesses can contribute to better WASH outcomes for communities. Supporting greater access to WASH in the communities where they operate, and where their workers live, improves lives and livelihoods.

Commit to ensuring access to WASH in communities by...

  1. Mitigating the negative impacts on community WASH.
  2. Supporting and advocating for change nationally and internationally, helping policy makers and political leaders see the benefits to greater WASH access for their people and sustainable development.
  3. Implement innovative practices to ensure greater access to WASH in communities, working in partnership with other organizations, governments, and/or companies.

WASH in Supply Chains

The social, moral and macro-economic case for investment in WASH is clear.  Some companies are already taking action to improve WASH. However, to drive the transformational change required to meet the 2030 goal, more companies need to invest directly in WASH programmes and to leverage their influence across their extensive supply chains to persuade suppliers to act.