UNICEF is the overall champion of WASH4Work within the UN and the initiative is led by a diverse group of 8-10 Steering Committee members who are responsible for the initiative’s overall strategy, work plan, and coherence. From the steering group, a chair and vice-chair are selected to provide guidance and leadership for a two-year cycle, and the nominations for chair and vice-chair are endorsed by the steering group.
The steering group oversees the secretariat.
Steering Group members will:
- Be appropriately senior-level representatives of their organizations and have the necessary authority within their institution to make or rapidly facilitate the decisions required to achieve the objectives of WASH4Work;
- Have the perspective, experience, vision, and ability to help define the strategic direction and drive the initiative forward.
Members will also be expected to attend quarterly meetings, represent the initiative at relevant events during the year, and help promote the initiative.
Steering Group members serve two-year terms and are selected by the membership of the WASH4work partners.
A small secretariat will coordinate and provide technical support to the initiative, workstreams and activities on behalf of the steering group and members. It will also draft common materials, manage and coordinate communications related to the work streams and WASH4Work, coordinate between the Steering Group and the work streams, and organize events and meetings related to WASH4Work. The Secretariat is accountable to the Steering Group. The CEO Water Mandate will serve as the Secretariat with support from UN Global Compact. The Mandate provides 0.5 full-time effort to manage the coordination, communication, technical support, and organization elements of the Secretariat.
Cheryl Hicks
Senior Advisor, CEO Water Mandate

Jason Morrison
President, Pacific Institute

Leonardo Rodriguez
Engagement Specialist, Pacific Institute

Dr. Christine DeMyers
Senior Researcher, Pacific Institute