
WASH4Work members who engage in working groups contribute their expertise and insights to help accelerate corporate actions and investments in Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Through these working groups members contribute to  advisory groups, the creation of resources like the WASH Benefits Accounting Framework or the WASH Stewardship Toolbox, and can directly shape the future of WASH stewardship.


Climate Resilient WASH

In our 2021 Insights Report, Raising our Ambition to WASH Resilience, WASH4Work set out to convene global WASH stakeholders and corporate members to develop consensus and alignment on the new expectations to integrate climate resilience considerations into WASH programs and investments—and what this means in the context of corporate water stewardship commitments. On the occasion of the COP27 United Nations Climate Change Conference, global businesses and WASH expert organizations came together via the WASH4Work initiative to launch a joint statement of aligned commitments to taking action towards the advancement of SDGs 6 and 13 by 2030, with the goal of enabling millions of people to become more water secure and climate-resilient.

The declaration outlines the case for business action; considerations for further developing and applying a climate resilience framework to WASH programs and investments; and invites more businesses to join us in this COP27 declaration, to mobilize the leadership and partnerships needed to shape a more climate-resilient WASH-secure world.

The business case for investing in WASH access is getting stronger. While the past few years have demonstrated a need for safely managed sanitation, hygiene, and water supply to reduce exposure to harmful diseases such as COVID-19, a remaining risk to WASH access is climate change. Climate change directly affects the quality and quantity of water supplies and impacts the sustainability of WASH behaviors, especially for the most vulnerable.  

To ensure the continued success of our communities, businesses, and supply chains – the impact of climate change on access to WASH must be fully understood. Going forward we join global and local stakeholders in developing and applying a climate-resilient WASH framework to our water, sanitation, and hygiene access programs and investments.  



COP 27 Business Declaration

Standardized Accounting Method for the Co-Benefits of WASH

To prepare businesses for new mandatory sustainability reporting laws, increasing pressure to provide more disclosure on businesses’ exposure to risks due to lack of access to WASH, and the actions businesses are taking to mitigate these risks, WASH4Work has initiated a project to develop a standardized accounting framework for WASH benefits and financial ROI to be launched at the UN Water Conference in March 2023.  

The framework aims to enable businesses to seamlessly embed WASH benefit accounting into their overall corporate water stewardship accounting and reporting. A standardized WASH benefits accounting framework will align with the current industry-standard volumetric water benefits accounting method (VWBA). The project team includes members of the CEO Water Mandate, Pacific Institute, LimnoTech, Water.org, WaterAid, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Gap Inc., Microsoft, Starbucks, and Xylem. 

Historically the impacts of corporate investments in WASH access have been measured in terms of the number of people (beneficiaries) reached. In addition, WASH investments have not been linked to corporate water stewardship goals for quantifying the volumetric water benefits of water stewardship activities. The WASH Benefits Accounting Framework will go beyond beneficiary counting to understand the broader and multiple benefits and impacts of WASH investments (social, environmental, economic), including the benefits of WASH access on water quality and quantity stewardship goals.  

The WASH benefit accounting framework aims to:   

  • Strengthen the business case for investing in WASH; to go beyond beneficiary counting to a standardized framework and guidance for identifying and accounting for the broader impacts, outcomes, and benefits of investing in WASH such as: social, environmental, economic, health, well-being, and resilience.  
  • Make more concrete and science-based linkages between the benefits of WASH access and water quality, quantity, replenishment and resilience, and corporate water stewardship goals. 
  • Embed into the framework is the integrated, systems-level approach of climate-resilient WASH. 
  • Provide guidance for businesses on the use and implementation of the standardized accounting framework 
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WASH Benefits Accounting Framework

WASH Stewardship Toolbox

Access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of sustainable development. Businesses play a crucial role in advancing WASH access—not only within their direct operations but also throughout their supply chains and the communities they influence. However, corporate engagement in WASH has often been fragmented, characterized by isolated interventions rather than integrated, strategic approaches.

To address this gap, WaterAid and WASH4Work (W4W) have partnered to develop the WASH Stewardship Roadmap—a structured framework designed to guide companies in embedding WASH best practices into their sustainability strategies. This initiative supports businesses in adopting a systematic approach to WASH stewardship, emphasizing climate resilience, gender equity, and human rights considerations.

The WASH Stewardship Roadmap will provide a structured framework for integrating WASH into corporate water stewardship and human rights strategies. Designed to support companies at all stages of their WASH journey, the Roadmap will help businesses—from those just beginning to explore their role in WASH to those aiming to lead in global best practices—adopt a systematic and impactful approach. It will offer practical tools, frameworks, and guidance to drive meaningful progress.

The Roadmap will guide companies through the following key stages:

  • Understand & Prepare – Recognize the significance of WASH within corporate operations and supply chains, laying the groundwork for action by aligning with global best practices and industry standards.
  • Assess – Evaluate current WASH performance, risks, and opportunities using diagnostic tools and frameworks to establish a clear baseline.
  • Commit – Define measurable goals and targets that align with broader corporate sustainability and water stewardship commitments.
  • Act – Implement targeted interventions to enhance WASH access, embed WASH principles into business operations, and engage employees and communities in meaningful initiatives.
  • Disclose – Transparently report on WASH progress, challenges, and impact, ensuring alignment with corporate responsibility frameworks and regulatory requirements.

By following this structured approach, companies can transition from isolated interventions to sustained, impactful WASH leadership.

The success of the WASH Stewardship Toolbox depends on collaboration and shared learning. Businesses, NGOs, investors, and other key stakeholders are encouraged to engage in the following ways:

  • Advisory Group Participation – Companies can join the Advisory Group to provide insights and feedback on the development of the Roadmap and Toolbox, ensuring these resources align with industry needs and priorities.
  • Pilot Implementation – Organizations are invited to pilot elements of the Toolbox and Roadmap, sharing case studies and lessons learned to refine and enhance these resources.
  • Knowledge Sharing & Events – WASH4Work and WaterAid will host interactive workshops, webinars, and global forum events to gather input, showcase success stories, and drive the adoption of WASH best practices.
  • Toolbox Contributions – Companies and partners with existing WASH-related tools, frameworks, or case studies can contribute to the growing repository of resources, strengthening the Toolbox’s relevance and practical application.

By engaging with the WASH Stewardship Roadmap, companies can take meaningful steps toward sustainable and equitable WASH access—enhancing their environmental and social responsibility commitments while contributing to global water security and resilience.

For more information or to get involved, please contact WASH4Work at secretariat@wash4work.org 


WASH Stewardship Toolbox